Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is Holistic? (1799-3)

We have been discussing course outlines and overviews and structure and organization for some time now in this course. Amidst everything I had lost focus of the fact that I am here to learn what holism is and how I will adopt a holistic approach to information technology (the title of the course).

Selia’s posting in the All-Class discussion forum titled ‘What is Holistic’ was quite stirring for me. She talked about one of her ‘aha’ moments of realizing that student-centred teaching and learning had a name: holistic learning. Things started falling in place in my brain. To me, holistic was a vision of ‘all-roundness’, but I was not quite being able to place it in the context of constructivism. A link provided by Selia ( gave me a clear idea of how holistic learning is about touching all aspects of the learner’s personality and life. Thus ensues meaningful learning. Students need to take charge of their own learning in order to acquire from it what they need according to their circumstances and contexts. Holistic learning is a practical and pragmatic approach to learning involving concepts like making connections, problem-solving approaches, cooperative learning, inquiry process, community building etc. Since holistic learning has so much to do with the mind and the spirit of the learner, I feel that the process would not leave the facilitator untouched either. Such a process would be holistic for the teacher too.

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